Foster Early Adopters


Jeff Broome
Tumwater High School
Tumwater, WA

Jeff has been a high school administrator for 11 years and is in his sixth year as the principal of Tumwater High School, a suburban school in Turnwater, WA with about 1200 students. Jeff is a graduate of the Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and is currently a doctoral student in the University of Washington’s Leadership for Learning program. Jeff has used video as a tool for reflection and observation for the last three years.

What should principals consider before implementing video observations in schools?

Jeff: I was shocked as I left the classroom to become a principal of just the amazing things that go on in classrooms and the varied nature of the way that teachers approach it. And I loved being in classrooms. And I always wondered how can I create a space and a process for teachers to have a similar experience. Because I learn something every single time I'm in a classroom.

If I'm as a principal not able to give you the feedback you need to grow. What tools could we explore for your growth? And I think that's the other part the principal really needs to do is make sure that they're modeling that. So I was attached to an Iris Connect system during our staff meetings to model that I too am getting reflective about the work I'm doing in front of others.

I think you know with any staff I think there's some early adopters who are really excited about it. And were called the pioneers in our building. So those pioneers were all for it but then I think it really just took the trust and patience on my part. Patience is not necessarily a strength that I feel like I have. But just really stepping back and saying how do we want to make this sustainable and meaningful? And also being real with folks saying you know if you're not happy with the current level of professional development you're getting, and the amount of feedback you're getting... Could this be a tool to help improve your experience and grow you as an educator? And so those kinds of conversations over several year period has created its own momentum. And now you know we have a larger percentage of folks using it.

I would say, do your legwork and figure out the technology solutions early. Additionally, start with the willing folks. Start with the folks who are interested in getting started and have low expectations. I don't mean that in a bad way. But I mean like make a really low floor for folks and definitely use the tool as a tool for self reflection before you jump into any of the legalities with observation or evaluation or even peer observation. So really using it as a self reflective tool for folks just to get their feet wet in the process. And then have fun with it. And just like with any change movement you have to sell, sell, sell. And so like really celebrate your wins and put a lot and reward and speak highly of your teacher-leaders who are helping implement this.